Nice Sliding Panel

Sliding Panel can be filled with any html content. The Boostrap Grid can be used to create the necesary columns and rows. It supports any element provided in this theme starting from typography elements, videos and images gallery and go all the way to complex elements.

We hope you enjoy it.

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Contract Packaging
Discover the one-stop for full service

Signode India, offers contract packaging to Key Customers. Contract Packaging can include packing labour, total materials supply, equipment and administration, best practices. This enables customers to focus on core activities, whilst at the same time benefiting from process simplification, single point of contact, and zero packaging inventories.
Contract packaging is a “contract entered with the customer by the company to provide comprehensive solutions for packaging of customer’s products”. The objective of Contract Packaging is to provide packaging solution with single point responsibility at customer premises. The Key processes in Contract Packaging Business are Presales process, Contracting Process and Contract Execution process.
Packaging Contract Execution Process:
The few important aspects of Business execution are, contracted service is delivered and commitments under contract are met. Associated risks are managed and effective communication is maintained between all parties. Relationship with the Customer and Service provider is ethically and actively managed. The quality of service compliance to safety and legal requirements are adequately monitored.